Newly designed
anesthesia rooms
thanks to a donation
Thanks to a donation from the Heike Kracht Foundation, we were able to redesign the anesthesia rooms at the WPE in late summer. Together with Heike Kracht and the University Medicine Foundation, the rooms have now been officially inaugurated.
The West German Proton Therapy Center Essen (WPE) is the largest center for radiotherapy for children in Germany. Every year, around 300 children and adolescents are treated here with proton therapy, more than half of whom are under seven years old. To ensure precise irradiation, the young patients often have to lie still for a short time. Nevertheless, this can be a challenge, especially for very young children, which is why light sedation is necessary in many cases.
This is not a complete anesthetic, but the children practically fall asleep in their parents’ arms and then wake up again on their own in their presence.

Meaning of sedation
Sedation during proton therapy is carried out under the supervision of an anaesthesia team that is specialized in the outpatient treatment of children. This team has been ensuring that children are treated safely and comfortably at the WPE since the start of patient treatment more than 11 years ago. This improves the overall treatment outcome for patients.
Slightly more than half of all children treated at the WPE receive their proton therapy with this light form of anesthesia. Over the past 11 years, more than 1,400 very young patients have been treated under sedation.
Idea for redesign
The anaesthesia rooms at the WPE were previously decorated in classic hospital colors. They were to be redesigned to create a more inviting and pleasant atmosphere. Art therapist Annelie Kuprat worked closely with the children to find out which themes would appeal to them.
The new anesthesia rooms were redesigned with colorful motifs that would bring joy to the children and distract them from their fears. The themes include:
- Jungle
- Underwater world
- Dinosaur Park
- Outer space
Graffiti artist Mark Roberz was hired to create these motifs on the walls and ceilings, while a painting company gave the rooms a warm, friendly color scheme. In addition, the furniture was laminated in soft wood tones to create a feel-good atmosphere.

Support from the Heike Kracht Foundation
The redesign of the anaesthetic rooms was made possible by the generous support of the Heike Kracht Foundation to the Essen University Medicine Foundation, which is committed to helping disadvantaged children and young people. Donor Heike Kracht is delighted with the results: “It’s wonderful to see how the idea is becoming reality. I hope that the children will feel a little more comfortable in this child-friendly environment and be distracted from their fears.”
More pictures

Westdeutsches Protonentherapiezentrum Essen (WPE)
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
Editorial: Annelie Kuprat and Liane Ohlms; annelie.kuprat@uk-essen.de