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Press & News

Gruppenbild Anästhesieräume

Newly designed anesthesia rooms thanks to a donation

The newly designed anaesthesia rooms at the WPE help to make the stay more pleasant for young patients. The child-friendly atmosphere and inviting design not only promote the children's well-being, but also have a positive influence on the interaction between staff and patients. With this project, the WPE is taking an important step towards further improving treatment conditions and thus also supporting the recovery of young patients.

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International workshop on pediatric proton therapy

ESTRO-/EPTN-Workshop “Paediatric Proton Therapy” on January 16 and 17, 2025 in Essen. Under the direction of Prof. Timmermann and the EPTN team, we offer a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience in modern pediatric radiotherapy. Join us and support the development of innovative treatment methods!

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Start of a training series in paediatric radiotherapy for colleagues from low and middle income countries

On June 27, 2024, Prof. Timmermann's lecture launched the training series on radiotherapy in children for colleagues from low and middle income countries. This will take place quarterly and report on radiotherapy for solid tumors in children.

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New Article: Monte Carlo simulation of the Varian TrueBeam flattened-filtered beams using a surrogate geometry in PRIMO

Im Rahmen des internationalen Forschungs- und Kooperationsprojekts HARMONIC haben Physiker eine Methode entwickelt, mit der bei der Verwendung des Varian TrueBeam genauere Vorhersagen bzgl. der Dosisverteilung im gesunden Gewebe während einer Strahlentherapie getroffen werden können.

4000. Patientin im WPE

4,000th Patient Treatment at WPE

In August 2023, the 4000th patient was treated at the WPE. She came from Romania and has a chordoma of the skull base. More information about her and her journey to Essen and during the therapy.

Fest- und Fachveranstaltung im WPE

WPE celebrates 10th anniversary

On September 13, 2023, the WPE celebrated 10 years of patient treatment at a festive and scientific meeting. Many guests came to congratulate, speakers gave interesting lectures. A lot has been achieved in the 10 years.

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Visitors from the Apollo Proton Cancer Center, India at WPE

Experts from India, from the Apollo Proton Cancer Center in Chennai visited the WPE to exchange ideas with our experts. The Apollo Proton Cancer Center is also equipped with an IBA proton therapy system.

2000. Kind im WPE

Anniversary: 2000th treatment of a child

2000 children have been treated at the WPE since the center opened in 2013. They make up more than half of all patients. A 17-year-old girl from Baden Württemberg was this patient at the beginning of 2023.

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Recognition and motivation: The WPE treats its 3,000th patient.

Early 2022 the West German Proton Therapy Center (WPE) has treated its 3,000th patient.

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Special issue of the journal “Cancers”: Expert articles on proton therapy

The international online journal “Cancers” is planning a special issue on the topic of “Proton therapy for CNS tumors”. Due to her expertise and international reputation, Prof. Dr. Beate Timmermann, Director of the Clinic for Particle Therapy and Medical Director of the West German Proton Therapy Center Essen (WPE), has been invited as guest editor. […]