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First Patient of the new Eyeline at WPE

Eyeline in operation at WPE

In November 2021, the first patient with a Uveal melanoma was treated at the new Eyeline at WPE. Thus, the fifth therapy station at WPE was put into operation. The range of services offered by the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Medicine Essen in the treatment of malignant tumors is thus unique.

WPE Newsletter: Fragebogen für Patienten zu Symptomen einer COVID-Erkrankung.

Overview of hygiene measures in the context of COVID-19 at the WPE

n the past months, a large number of hygiene measures have been taken to adapt or optimise internal procedures. Regular revisions and updates of the regulations are taking place, also taking into account the regulations of the Federal Government/Robert-Koch-Institute as well as the Covid Hospital Outreach Board of the University Hospital Essen.

Kunsttherapie am WPE für Kinder und Jugendliche.

Colours and superheroes for courage

They are part of everyday life at the WPE: the light green masks that are customised for each patient. Especially when irradiating brain or head and neck tumours, they support the head in such a way that no involuntary movement can interfere, as this is the only way to ensure precise irradiation. A new art therapy project at the West German Proton Therapy Centre now aims to make it easier for children and young people to use the mask - and turn the medical object into their own empowering creation.

WPE Newsletter: Fragebogen für Patienten zu Symptomen einer COVID-Erkrankung.

Maximum safety for patients and employees

The corona pandemic has also put health care in the Clinic for Particle Therapy at the WPE of the University Medicine Essen to the test: In recent weeks, a large number of actions have been taken to adapt or optimise internal processes.

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Much more than a number: WPE treats the 2000th patient

In December 2019, about six and a half years after the opening of the West German Proton Therapy Center, the WPE treated its 2,000th patient: The 71-year-old Franz Ott from Bavaria is suffering from prostate carcinoma and received 20 radiations over four weeks. “The treatment of more than 2,000 patients reflects that we have been […]

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THERADNET: EU funding for excellent young researchers

Prof. Dr. Beate Timmermann is convinced that “the well-founded, modern training of our young scientists is essential if we want to continue to optimize the possibilities of radiation therapy in the future”. Accordingly, the Medical Director of the West German Proton Therapy Centre (WPE) and Director of the Clinic for Particle Therapy was delighted that […]

Prof. Dr. med. Beate Timmermann im Gespräch mit dem elfjährigen Fynn, dem 1000. Kind am WPE.

A unique expertise: The paediatric oncological radiation therapy programme at WPE is the largest of its kind in Germany – 1000th child treated

Throughout Germany, around 1,800 children develop cancer every year. About half of them receive radiation therapy. In particular, conformal techniques such as proton therapy are becoming increasingly important in the treatment of childhood tumours.

Superhelden unter sich: Der erste Heldentag am WPE war ein voller Erfolg. Foto: David Hallwas

A day for true heroes

September 5, 2019 was a day for real superheroes - big and small, fictitious and real. The mission of Batman, Spiderman and Co.: to give WPE patients, relatives and staff a super-strong day. Because true heroes wear not always costumes.

Forschungsprojekt HARMONIC

HARMONIC research project: “Using a unique, large cohort, we want to analyse the long-term effects of radiation exposure in children”.

In June, the European project "HARMONIC" ("Health Effects of Cardiac Fluoroscopy and Modern Radiotherapy in Paediatrics") was launched. A total of 24 partners from 13 countries are working in close exchange between research and medicine to investigate the long-term health consequences of radiological and radiotherapeutic procedures for children and adolescents.

Präsentieren gemeinsam das Buch „Die Protonen-Mission – Entdecke die Kraft, die in dir steckt" (v.l.n.r.): Prof. Dr. Jochen A. Werner, Ärztlicher Direktor und Vorstandsvorsitzender der Universitätsmedizin Essen, Thorsten Kaatze, Kaufmännischer Vorstand des UK Essen, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen, Marina Raith, Patientin und Prof. Dr. Beate Timmermann, Direktorin der Klinik für Partikeltherapie und Ärztliche Leiterin des WPE.

A new children’s book explains the processes at the WPE

What does WPE mean? Who works there? What actually is a proton? And how can it help to beat cancer? Questions like these are explored in a child-friendly way in "Die Protonen-Mission - Entdecke die Kraft, die in dir steckt". The 28-page book is aimed at young patients at the West German Proton Therapy Centre and was produced with funding from the University Medicine Foundation.