Special issue of the journal “Cancers”: Expert articles on proton therapy
The international online journal “Cancers” is planning a special issue on the topic of “Proton therapy for CNS tumors”. Due to her expertise and international reputation, Prof. Dr. Beate Timmermann, Director of the Clinic for Particle Therapy and Medical Director of the West German Proton Therapy Center Essen (WPE), has been invited as guest editor. As co-guest editor, she has invited Dr. Julie A. Bradley of the Department of Medicine, Jacksonville University, Florida. In this special issue, the radiation oncologists are compiling contributions from other experts.
“Radiation therapy is an important and highly effective component of modern multimodal treatment of tumors of the central nervous system,” says Prof. Dr. Beate Timmermann, adding, “Due to its special physical properties, therapy with protons achieves a high conformity of the dose with the target volume, i.e., the tumor, but at the same time spares the surrounding normal tissue better than conventional radiation therapy. Consequently, proton therapy is most indicated for tumors in close proximity to particularly sensitive tissues, as well as for therapeutic modalities that require high radiation doses – and therefore should be evaluated especially for CNS and skull base tumors.”
Online-Journal „Cancers“
“Cancers” is an international, open-access online journal whose articles are devoted to clinical and scientific issues in cancer therapy and research. It is published by the Swiss-based Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), which specializes in publishing research articles and now serves more than 360 different scientific subject areas through online journals.
“The planned special issue of ‘Cancers’ will highlight the use and possibilities of proton therapy in CNS tumors, covering clinical as well as physical and biological aspects of the topic. In my role as Guest Editor, I am pleased to be able to determine the objectives and scope of this special issue, to invite contributions, and to promote this issue. I am therefore honored that we are able to reach out to international experts to share their experiences and research findings for this purpose and to meet this interdisciplinary requirement.”
Submissions may include original research articles or comprehensive reviews of proton therapy for CNS tumors. Manuscripts can be submitted online at www.mdpi.com by June 15, 2022. All contributions will undergo a peer-review process. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the journal on a rolling basis and listed on the special issue website.